The Bad Day Book
The Name Change
The funny heartwarming tale of a tenacious, intelligent and willful girl - my daughter Alexandra - and her creative attempt at driving her would-be stepdad out of our lives: by spreading the untruth that he was a registered sex offender.
Chicken Soup for the Soul
A Message from Dad
A public encounter with a psychic medium months after my beloved father’s death brought about an unexpected visit and insight into his beliefs about his only daughter.
Meaningful growth is painful and leaves a thick residue of the past that must be dusted off and left behind.
What to wear to bankruptcy court, Memoir Magazine.
About Nan
I am a creative nonfiction essayist and award-winning writer whose work has appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines both in print and online.
I earned a BA in Communications from Simmons College and an MFA in Creative and Professional Writing from Western CT State University. A former adjunct Professor of Literature and Composition at Quinnipiac University, I am an Academic Director at Great Books, Amherst College, and I write professionally full-time for the behavioral health division in one of the world’s largest healthcare organization.
I live in Mt Pleasant, SC with my family and am a competitive pickleball player and novice surfer. I have yet to win a single tournament or stand upright on my surfboard for more than 10 seconds, but I will never stop trying!